a sexually transmitted disease. Comes from the term waffle, for vagina.
I have to go to Planned Parenthood to get some cream...I've got major Fourth of July Waffles.
by vanessasarah13 October 10, 2011
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1. When you masterbate with your hand

2. When you make a waffle out of falafel
Definition 1:
Me: Hey man! I'd just like to say I really like to Falafel my Waffle!

A random person on the street: You're weird.

Definition 2:
Next, you need to falafel some waffles
by Mackle Yew, Duke of Falafel November 13, 2018
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The act of pooping in the shower and then having to stomp it down the waffle drain opening.
John lost control of his bowels in the shower and ended up having to waffle stomp a corn dog.
by JPOnslaught November 21, 2022
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Taking a dump on the seat of a public/workplace toilet. Then, when you shut the lid the faeces forms a circular waffle. The outcome is a “Lebanese Waffle”.
Yuck! Dennis left a Lebanese Waffle in the toilet again.”

“Oh man, Lebanese Waffles take ages to clean! Good thing there’s sick music in the toilets here.”
by Spark Florence October 27, 2017
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A Person who likes to promote his server cuz its dead and is a mod in a server just for sending a meme he is a nice guy but is pretty ngl
by DJ Wafffles October 19, 2020
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A dramatic improvement to a person, situation, or thing.
She just bought her new home which has three more bedrooms and two more bathrooms, a total waffle up.
by Reubensandwich28 June 30, 2021
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