when someone messages you despite being asleep
Person 1: "I thought you were asleep"

Person 2: "I am, I'm sleep texting"
by lilthoughtie July 17, 2022
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A person who sleeps and ison the barley on the phone in the day but is awake and socially active during night
Omg I’m so sleep inverted all I do is chat at night
by MavricFTML September 28, 2019
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pieces of green/yellow crustyness found in eyes when waking up in the morning, sometimes known as crusties, or sleep.
hey, you got a sleeping booger in your eye.
by Mikawinkle October 4, 2011
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No-sleep rage is frustration & anger after trying to sleep for as many attempts as possible.
Aw man, I had a no-sleep rage last night!
by Billy2490 May 31, 2021
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A condition of falling asleep while watching TV. Most often seen when a boring show has just ended. It is most often found in Ben Hatley but also is seen in his wife, Olivia. They don't watch TV together much because of this. It is intensely hard to treat.
Ben: Hey Liv, I think 'Bodies in Motion' is on the TV. Want to watch it?

Liv: Sure, but we'll probably end up sleep watching.

Gilad: No you won't!! If you're gonna watch me you better do it?

Myrtle: Stupid Rascal, making me stiff like that. Maybe this will help.

Ralph: Count me in too, I need a workout.

Necky: You know, this is cool. I used to watch this when it was on before. Great workout.

Gil: (laughing at Necky) Did you like it?

Necky: Yes, I did. Used to do it when I was in the Marines. (gives a salute and screams 'Hoorah!')

(Ben and Liv start stretching on each other. Gil is laughing at Ben and Liv.)

Beatrice: Ten hut!!! One, two, three, four, you'd better work yourself some more!

Ben: (yawn) I knew we'd end up sleep watching. This is tough!
by Dusty's Baby Powder March 8, 2011
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After anal penetration, you discover faeces under and around your foreskin. Aka: shit in and on dick.
Bro I rooted Stacey in the ass last night and she gave me a chocolate sleeping bag
by Toaksy July 7, 2017
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Hi I am scared of sleeping
by Blueprint7 March 8, 2022
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