1. A Haunted school
2. A school for grades 1st-2nd
1. My school is the Devil school

2. Are we Driving pass a Devil school?
by 459395 March 10, 2022
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A pellet of rabbit feces secretly placed amongst an offering of dried grapes as a prank. May be one or many added into the mix.
Bobby was supposed to bring trail mix for the trip, but he filled the bag with devil raisins.
by Guiy Fartinghouse December 29, 2018
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When the male penis omits a multi-directional stream of urine, often at an inopportune time. The Devil's Mist is likely to drench everything, completely missing the entire bowl of the toilet.
"I was so exhausted I enjoyed a Cowboy Breakfast and passed out; when I woke up, I went to "drain the eel", and pissed all over the bathroom - the Devil's Mist strikes again!"

"We clapped cheeks all night and passed out - i snuck into the bathroom and the "devil's mist" got the best of me - her bathroom was soaked."

"She asked for a Golden Shower but it was the Devil's Mist that she got - i hit everywhere but her face!"
by Edgar Christianson May 20, 2023
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A severe case of diarrhea, when the feces carry the same characteristicas as various types of mustard. Usually yellowish brown in color and runny in consistency, sometimes looking a bit grainy in appearance.
I ate some bad fish and have had The Devil's Mustards all morning.
by maskedrolla December 31, 2018
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someone who literally is the worst person ever, always starting drama, and is a homewrecker.
by psychic rat April 30, 2023
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