After traveling together for several months, Krille, Malte, Vilmer, and Johan had formed a tight-knit bond. They had been through many adventures and had always been there to support each other in times of need.

One day, as they were walking through a bustling market, they came across a new group of furry creatures. The creatures were led by Baltazaar, a charismatic leader who had a way with words.

Krille was immediately drawn to the group, which seemed to share his love for all things furry and feline. Baltazaar welcomed Krille with open arms, and Krille felt as though he had found a new family.

At first, Malte, Vilmer, and Johan were happy for Krille. They understood his love for furry creatures and didn't want to stand in the way of his happiness. But as time passed, they began to feel left out.

Krille would spend more and more time with Baltazaar and his group, leaving the trio behind. Malte, Vilmer, and Johan tried to talk to Krille about their concerns, but he seemed oblivious to their feelings.
Eventually, Krille made the decision to leave the trio and join Baltazaar's group permanently. Malte, Vilmer, and Johan were heartbroken, but they knew that they couldn't force Krille to stay.

As they said their goodbyes, Krille promised that he would always remember the adventures they had shared together. Malte, Vilmer, and Johan watched as Krille walked away, feeling a sense of loss and sadness.

Despite the pain of Krille's departure, the trio knew that they had to continue on with their adventures. They vowed to keep each other close and to always be there for one another, no matter what challenges they might face.

And so, Malte, Vilmer, and Johan set off on a new journey, ready to face whatever lay ahead. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that they had each other, and that was enough to give them the strength to carry on.

(Baltazaar's Furry friends took great care of Krille and who knows maybe they meet again?)
by Onegreatstorytellerdude. February 15, 2023
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Damn! That Indian girl was the spiciest furry curry i have ever had!
by Thatpunk626 May 3, 2017
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A dog nugget that has sprouted a furry mould that gives it a furry covering.
Careful matey, you nearly tripped over that furry bolster!
by Bearzuka September 20, 2020
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When you're rolling and can't stop rubbing soft items. When you want to make a house out of furry blankets. Only if you make it look like a motherfucking werewolf.
Stroke the furry walls, Aaron. Da stop fucking with my mate. Just keep stroking the furry walls Aaron. God this shit is amazing i want to cover my house in this shit and turn it into a motherfucking werewolf.
by ToastMafia1990 June 22, 2019
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When a furry shoves their tail into their anus while suffering from diarrhea. They allow the diarrhea to build up, before pulling out the tail & letting the diarrhea spray, like a volcano.
Person 1: What do you do in your free time?
Person 2: I like doing a furry volcano.
Person 1: What’s that?
Person 1: I’ll show you!
by Rob The Slumlord November 7, 2023
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Its one of the 5 genders. Even tho this gender can become even more epic so its: fidget spinner furry gamer pizza lovers which is gay but ok.
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A Rblox game that furry haters go on to kill furries, its just infection tag but furries are the zombies and humans are the humans, kinda obvious. When you're a furry you can punch people and grab people, punching is just a punch that does a little bit of damage, grabbing forces the human to spam the spacebar or for mobile tap the screen 15 times to get out of the furries grasp. Humans can use a bat to hit furries, theres also a metal bat around the map that does more damage, if i'm gonna be honest theres 2 halves of the game, humans that HATE furries, and furries that like being furries in the game, some arguments happen here and there,
Person 1: Hey wanna play furry infection on Roblox

Person 2: No furries are weird .
by bananas are pretty yummy1234 November 22, 2022
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