that thing that people call male genitalia and no boy actually has one
girl 1: “see that guys dick?!”
girl 2: “bitch where.”
by imphyllis February 15, 2019
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The person that flips you off on the road. The guy that tries to steal your girlfriend. That one, really annoying, nagging person. Someone who just doesn't care! Someone with no respect for humanity. Nobody likes a dick. So don't be a dick.
Guy #1: Dude this one guy tried to run me off the road!
Guy #2: What a dick...

"Some dick took a massive dump and didn't flush!"
by yyyeeeaaaahhhh1111 November 16, 2013
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dick means Jake Paulers and school like ovms shity retarded.
person 1:u are a dick bitch
person 2:I guess Im jake paulers u fucking vergins
by Ur mom is gay like a vergin January 31, 2019
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Dick is the most tasty snack or meal you will ever get.
I got back from work hungry and i checked the frige and we had nothing in the frige so i looked at my boyfreind and smiled and asked him if i could have some becuase i was hungry and he said yes so i ran up to him pulled his pants down and his underwear to find the most amazing thing a big 9 inch juicy dick and lucky for me it was cumming so much and i kepped on sucking and he keepped moaning and in the end we were both happy .
by Mrs.hungry122 October 12, 2020
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The most sexiest part of the male body it holds the mans power and dignity it holds the piss and cum when it is active or when the man turns on it grows big and forms a bulge or a sexy thing it is also named the penis or the cock also in sexy ways the third leg behind it is the balls
Boys with no shirts what is the sexiest part of us

Everyone our dick
by Real mand November 23, 2020
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When you have sex with someone hard as possible
I'll dick you up
by Tom bratton October 1, 2018
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A male genitalia used to fuck women by the two holes, or possibly a male in one hole - the ass hole. This male genitalia "dick" is used to fuck all prostitutes, at all times A.K.A 24/7 - just like Kai fucking Aliya.
Kai shoved his dick up Aliya's wide pussy.
by i'vegot12345678dicks December 8, 2017
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