when a waist height child is struck by a wii controller accidently while adults are tring to play
stay back addison or your gonna get wii-wacked

we were bowling on wii last night and my niece got wii-wacked
by crawdaddy35 March 30, 2009
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Any and all pain experienced as a result of playing the wii for too long. Simular to Wii elbow, but not limited to just one's arm.
"I got wii lag bad from playing WarioWare all day yesterday; even my ass hurts!"
by Ruin-HCI September 30, 2008
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A weekend devoted exclusively towards playing a Nintendo Wii.
Hey I just ordered a Wii on Amazon.com, it arrives Friday so I'm going to have one sweet Wii-kend! :D
by Wonka Bottle Caps December 1, 2006
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Similar to tennis elbow, wii elbow is pain in one's arm (particularly around the elbow) caused by too much wii tennis (or, possibly, not enough regular exercise).
I got a horrible case of wii elbow from all that wii tennis yesterday.
by Paradox Quine November 26, 2006
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retiring from the game of wii for the day
Jenna: hey girl.. we've been in wii-bernation all day
Anne: you're right, i think it's time to wii-tire
by ennab January 29, 2009
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Getting hit by a Wii controller because the strap broke.
MOM!!! Kevin gave me an ow-wii
by Guy in the corner January 5, 2007
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