a place where lonely vagabonds can crawl up into said women aboves gash and provide themselves with warmth and shelter until it is time to get a breath of fresh air and forage for food
I was up in Fells gash until the red river communion trip was over.
by free July 10, 2004
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Go there if you just can't get enough of the high school cafeteria. Cool kids only sit with other cool kids and losers sit with other losers. The only difference here is most of the "cool" kids were nerds in high school and are now living out there fantasy of finally getting to treat other people like crap on the sidewalk. Alot of social politics. Talent pool isn't bad but not worth the hype.
At this point it's become a giant corporation and the school is run like a factory. It's no longer the little guy just trying to make it in the world. They used to perform in a tiny black box fire hazard because they loved and believed in what they were doing. But hey, that's show business.
UCB'rs question: Where do you do improv?
Kind unassuming persons answer: The Pit
UCB'rs response: oh :/

UCB'rs question: Oh, where do you do improv?
unassuming ucb students answer: Upright Citizens Brigade
UCB'rs response: Are you on a Harold Team?
unassuming ucb students answer: no
UCB'rs response: oh :/
by factthis February 16, 2009
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what you call the brigade in high school.

For those unaware, the brigade, in some high schools, is an extracurricular activity, kind of like cheerleading in that they do lame routines at games and pep rallys, however the brigade is much larger (50+ girls), making it less exclusive and easier to get into, basically its cheerleading for chicks who didnt quite make that cut, but are still mostly preppy annoying stuck up broads.
Antisocial girl#1: Did you see the get laid brigade perform at the football game?

Antisocial girl#2: Yeah, it was funny as hell when that broad fell down and took the girls next to her down too!
by Sarah Lambert March 7, 2008
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A group of UW-Madison students who converted a short bus into a Wisconsin Badger football tailgating vehicle. They are also a registered Limited Liability Company with the state of Wisconsin.
The Badger Short Bus Brigade just drove by blasting Journey.
by Dustin McMahon March 14, 2008
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The collective noun for self-purported 'writers' on online blogs that come out guns blazing in support for each other whenever any reader critiques their 'over-writing' or 'over-use' of subjective writing or just poor writing in general no matter whether they are correct or not... simply blinded by their own perceived online worth...
Oh oh here come the lame 'Mahala high 5 brigade' to soil logic on this thread...

Oh oh the here comes the 'Mahala high 5 brigade' self flagellation circle...
by Simpiwe December 7, 2011
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When 4 Large Genitaled Men Dressed As Knights Gangbang A Girl Who’s Hair Is Like The Mane Of Thyne Battle Horse
by I’m A Transgender Pansexual February 4, 2021
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