A person who craves a tragedy in order to point a finger at a (usually) blameless party.
The news commentator swooped down on this morning's story of a tragic drowning like a blame vulture, criticizing the city's reduced lifeguarding hours.
by kerrita banana July 6, 2012
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Why engage in a enlightened debate when you can shift the blame on to an entire generation.
Yanny - Stupid boomers, why didn't they use solar panels or windmills.
Lauren - Because they were super expensive and less effective at the time?
Yanny - That's no excuse, they should have looked at the icecaps! Besides, they had that oil-shortage in the seventies. Surely they should have seen the signs in the sky!
Lauren - Well - the icecaps weren't degrading as badly as today... I believe the oil-crisis was caused by international politics, and presumably some scientists predicted in the seventies that we were on the verge of a new ice-age.
Yanny - Greenpeace knew about global warming, but people didn't care.
Lauren - Sometimes Greenpeace went a little overboard, the petrolium industry was acting reactionarily not to mention lead-added gasoline, and people also worried more about the cold war for a long time...
Yanny - After the cold war ended, they should have done more!
Lauren - I think so too, but at that time, the effects of climate change were still lessened by the ocean dampening the effects.
Yanny - But in the 2000's, they must have known!

Lauren - Yeah, I think that was when the movement started to gather steam, and they also worried about 9/11.
Yanny - Aren't you just a boomer apologist?
Lauren - Aren't you boomer blaming?
Yanny - No, they are the reason the climate has gone crazy!
Lauren - Partially, but the effects take so long that...
Yanny - Ok, If I just say I am a boomer blamer will you shut up!
Lauren - Okay.
by Meh99 June 28, 2021
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Someone who can expertly deflect blame for anything
to anyone smoothly and efficiently
she caught him ,but he's a blame mechanic, he convinced her they're just friends
by mbs133 October 10, 2020
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This phrase is used when indicating that both parties are to blame and that it is unfair to blame only one side without the other.
Sidney - He is a terrible person, she should leave him.

Maria - You can't blame one without blaming the other, she's not been the perfect wife.
by NutCracker288 September 16, 2020
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An era where everyone blames each other over the past rather than moving forward with life. This time period can span for years and years without resolution.
Are we still stuck in the Blaming Era?
by The Ferocious Whomper June 19, 2017
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Time dropped a blame grenade and blamed everyone in the room for not being able to hold down a job
by brushnz March 3, 2019
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