Someone who works at Wendy’s for 10 Dollars an hour and off work he would occasionally get murdered by a cop at a Dinner Party along with 2 Vegans, A virgin who talks about stupid Nintendo Games, and Someone who slams beer on a table, they also have a tendency to be gifted battleborn on Christmas by that same virgin.
“Wendy’s Employee, Wendy’s Employee”
by Pornhub dot com October 29, 2020
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fast food rage. when a fast food place screws up your order, and you get pissed off.
you mother f***er, you messed up my order!! i wanted 3 cheeseburgers, not 2! i demand to speak to the manager!! yea thats right, im going wendys on yo ass!!
by spideyymann July 25, 2006
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1) what you get when a man mates with, or fucks a horse.

2) the product of someone who has had a sex change example from man to woman

3) the product of someone who has had a species change. example from human into a HORSE

4) a transvestite
wendy williams is a interesting creature
by KingOfBeasts99 December 6, 2010
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A time at which, weather hungry or not, one goes to wendys for frosties and other delicious food items such as a number 1 with just cheese or large fries.
Jankowski: It's 3 in the morning
Bollinger: what do you want to do?
Jankowski: Wendys run???
by Saint and Bonneventure June 20, 2005
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A good looking woman in a swimsuit who is aware of the effect she is having on men, while pretending not to notice their attention. From the movie, The Sandlot.

Check out Wendy Peppercorn.
by JonathanKnowles January 20, 2009
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When a girl is playing coy about her effect on everyone else in the room.

In The Sandlot, when Wendy Peffercorn is applying sun tan lotion to herself, the boys say, "she doesn't know what she's doing."

One replies, "Yeah yeah she does, she knows EXACTLY what she's doing..."
That girl that just walked in is so Wendy Peffercorning, just watch her.
by Airic Howse December 11, 2010
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A women whose sexist and doesn't care what the girls do and she gets made at the simplest things and always gets onto boys
Ms Wendy yelled at me when I asked for a pencil
by Thatsaheat January 19, 2017
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