This is the replacement word for white people to call someone a nigger and it be ok.
Wow, that oreo is being such a ninja right now.
by Collierflower January 20, 2009
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A derogatory term for ladies in Arab countries covered from head to toe in Black clothes with only the eyes showing.

Shit, at school most of the other girls are ninjas.
by gny April 8, 2009
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Nin-ja nin-juh
–verb, plural - Ninjas.
-verb past tense - Ninja'd

The word Ninja is rapidly becoming used as a replacement verb, which can mean virtually anything, as long as the subtext is clear.

This, of course, is not limited to actual Ninja behaviour... however, when one Ninjas, one must be ready to have others Ninja back.
We must go out and Ninja in the night.

I forgot to Ninja my pencil.

I could Ninja all day!

I could Ninja all night. (usually said with a wink and a grin)

He Ninjas better than any of them.

She and I Ninja'd pretty well at pool.
by Carolyn Steven October 24, 2006
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Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.
Ninjas are mammals.
by Donatello April 2, 2003
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an acceptable alternative to the N word for white people to use when singing along to black music
realest ninjas
luda is one hell of a ninja, hos in different area codes hell yeah
michelle he's a ninja, go for it!
nat went ninja then came back???
by hanrose November 23, 2007
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A word white frat guys can use to supplement the need for the word nigga without detection.
"We'd better cross the street here, those ninjas look irritable."
by PLPimp August 10, 2006
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A Ninja is a type of person who demonstrates all awesomness
Koady is such a Ninja :)
by Koadyy September 16, 2008
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