A loving, wonderful man. Who knows how to satisfy. He truely is your best friend in every Situation and will always help you going thru tought times. But he sometimes is a pretender, because he really has some problems, which make his life harder than you could every think.
Oh wow, that was good sex, your nearly as good as Nikos.

Oh i see, you always help me, but please show me your downside too, maybe I can help you, you don‘t have to be a Nikos.
by Justtrueworde November 21, 2021
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Niko is a great friend they are flamboyant and outgoing, they might be a little protective sometimes, but overall a great friend that you would be lucky to have
Person: yo is that Niko

Person: they are so cool
by The_randomgayperson:> May 15, 2022
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A Russian dude who throws anybody who boards his oil tanker into the Arctic sea. He yeets all that oppose him and his communist ideals off a bridge.
Random dude 1:"Bro Niko just threw my friend of a bridge for calling him a communist!"
Random dude 2:"That's what Niko does!"
Niko:*Throws random dude off of bridge for calling him a communist*
by Niko Levistky May 6, 2022
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Is cool guy that loves anime and Harry Potter. He does not have a sexy body. But he is really nice and is sensitive and also likes to do homework but hates doing it to I can’t explain it’s hard. He is kinda cool.

Is still hot.
Girl: “you have sexy body?”

Niko: “no.”
by Meiscoolerthanyoi September 18, 2020
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a boy who is a player and dates every girl in his school because at first they think he is dreamy. comes to find out he is a gay nigga faggot who doesn’t deserve anything in life. if ur dating a niko., break up now, he will break your heart. periodt
yo never date a niko 😒
by yo mama 🤧 October 23, 2019
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a Greek name, only bestowed to those with the fattest footlong longadong.
wow that guy's slinging some fat meat, what's his name?
i don't know but it's probably Nikos
by primeministerofthefrontporch October 15, 2022
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A dickless, huge ass simp, a beta male with no social life and/or a potential school shooter. Nikos also has the worst fucking hair ever, get a haircut bro nobody likes your ass.
Fotis: "Dude nikos is trying to get nudes again, what an idiot."
Giannis: "Yea dude what a loser he probably has a hole i am disabled."
by Big tits like big dicks November 8, 2020
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