A neek is someone who will grow up and go on to be successful, while the “cool” kids find out that their street cred and their stolen phones don't mean to anybody in the real world.
It's basically used to describe a nerd/geek.
"oh you're such a neek!"
(neek)is a noun.
by Healthy Horse December 27, 2017
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What jocks call more intelligent people when they realise that stolen phones, a bag of teeth and a house eviction notice lead to nothing in later life. So be complimented, it means they are not going to be successful.
Sporty kid thinks: 'Ha that person just corrected me on my grammar right before my English exam...Oh wait. This decides my life.' Sporty Kid: "Neek!" The successful person: "Thank you for the compliment."
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A term used regularly amongst young people in the Hampshire area to denote someone that is a: geek, nerd, dawk etc...
geek, nerd, dawk, neek etc...
by odyssey1247 April 27, 2009
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a neek is a nerd, no one likes them, there related to a snake, and they always remind the fuckin teacher to set homework
1 - yo uno gary got caught with cro

2 - yh ik timothy snaked on him

1 - timothys such a neek bruv

2 - yh wrd
by d207 April 1, 2019
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It's literal meaning is a cross between a nerd and a geek but it's more than that. It's someone who doesn't know how to act in social situations and is really uncool. Can also be someone who wears weird clothes e,g asics, new balance, plaid shirts
Tyler: "Rap is so dumb and rappers are so untalented hahahaha. Why would you by nike shoes I'd rather wear asics. I love roblox lol!"
Josh: "Tyler's such a neek"
Ben: "yeah"
by NBA Spinna September 14, 2022
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Roadman 1: Oi fam my man frankeys a neek

Roadman 2: He grasses on everyone
by MMmy nan March 9, 2020
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