A motherfucking wanker who is unloved by his parents due to his idiotic behaviour.

You can recognise this person as they have shit all over them from the woods when they tried to have shit.
Oh my god its kieran harrup
What a shit cunt its kieran harrup
by Boothy October 25, 2017
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Kieran is a cool underrated guy! It’s his 15th birthday and that’s sound so hey kieran it’s me have a good day! If you see this send it to the groupchat
by Lapford Mafia November 1, 2020
the name given to a council house owner who is probably on benefits
"Hes such a Kieran Potter" mike sais
by mc kp July 8, 2018
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ngl sexiest most shaggable man you will ever meet
that Kieran potter is the sexy as fuck
by kpo1 March 14, 2021
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kieran and eabha are just the perfect couple. They are just perfect for each other. Kieran will make u laugh when ur down and eabha will always be there for u and is just so beautiful
Omg look, it's kieran and eabha. Aren't they just so good together
by Irish_bantz October 27, 2019
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A boy with a willy and a massive head who likes to suck toes and has a fit dad called pete
let me suck your toes mommy” said kieran hartle
by Larnsdale October 9, 2021
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