Another word for a man with a very small penis. It is so small you would explain it as "just-in"
"How was the booty call with that random last night?"
"Let's just say he was a Justin".
by LBG6 March 31, 2009
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Justin is so annoying and weird and stupid no one likes him
Hes so annoying, he's such a justin
by SlyFireFoxx October 8, 2019
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A type of idiot who looks extremely ugly, they always stutter and has poor understanding to what people said. Those people are usually watching HENTAI (Japanese porn) or google searching 'Thomas the Tank Engine Porn' during class. They usually have numb legs and are slow at running, which normal people runs around 5 times faster than them.
He's so Justin like!
by Justin Chow April 22, 2015
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Another word meaning gay or replaces the word gay
Guy 1 " Dude that's so gay"
Guy 2 " No you mean that's so justin"
Guy 1 " I dated a girl named justin once"
Guy 2 " There's only one person named justin in the school and it's a guy"
Guy 1 " O.O "
by beast 2.0 March 9, 2011
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1) To bother or annoy in an aggressive manner

2) To excessively jump on or cling to someone else in an obnoxious, irksome way
1. "Man, what is with Sean? He's totally being a justin..."

2. "Come on dude, knock it off! Quit being a justin."

3. "If you say anything more, I may just have to justin you."
by charredmumu October 15, 2011
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A man with a 3" penis, just-in
Two girls talking about a bad sexual experience.
Girl 1 "I didn't feel a thing"
Girl 2 "Was his name Justin ?"
by SMonkey September 5, 2008
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