When you tie a belt around your hands and wrap your dick in the middle, then lift your hands to make your dick slap a chicks face.
Person: If you don't shut up I'll go all No handed gerbil belt on your face!
by Ninjafide June 3, 2007
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A derogatory term to describe a homosexual male.

Fudge packing refers to the act of anal sex.

Gerbilling is an odd practice of inserting a small rodent (mouse, often) into a condom which is then inserted into the anal cavity, where the dying convulsions of the poor animal are said to produce a pleasurable effect.

The term is derived from a combination of the two practices.
As heard on the train platform: "Get outta the way, you fudge packing gerbiller!"
by cosmicblue December 10, 2009
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This insult is to only been used in extreme circumstances as it can can cause mass hysteria and global gang rape of 4 year olds
Jake: "ur bro homo"
Kyle:" ur granny trannie"
Jake: "ur dog nignog"
Kyle:"ur gerbil pansexual"
*Any living organism spontaneously combusts
by Angry unicorn 276 May 15, 2018
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A small rodent (gerbil) which manages to burrow beneath the skin of its human host. Upon entering the victim's epidermis it feeds, mostly on bone and ligament. Very quickly, the gerbil makes its way to the abdomen where it severs it's host's the spinal column and skoaches the spinal fluid dry. Gerbils seldom burrow into humans on instinct, usually the rodent must be exposed to some sort of radio active material in order to become a sub-dermal gerbil. A sub-dermal gerbil usually enters its victim from their ankle region, as this part of the bod is usually closest to the ground. Victims have the best odds of survival if the sub-dermal gerbil enters through one of their limbs, but only a finite amount of time to cut the gerbil out using a skiv before it reaches their abdomen.
My grandfather died from a sub-dermal gerbil attack. He promptly got out his knife, but the little rascal entered just below his flummers, burrowing deep into his gut where it was too late.
by Ross Andrew Haggerty June 26, 2008
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The absolute be all end all roast. No man is able to recover from it, sometimes it even hurts more than one person at a time.
Dude1:your mom gay
Dude2:your dad lesbian
Dude1your grandpap a trap
Dude2:oh yeah, your gerbil genderfluid

Dude1: *melts
by MyGerbilisntGay March 14, 2018
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