has a small dick is fat plays video games all day cry’s when his mom says no and overall just a pussy
by cadehasasmallcock January 29, 2022
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A very large man who will order the whole food menu.
Person 1: “What do you want to eat?”

Person 2: “Uhhhh lemme get a #1, a #4, #7, #8, ummm two large Cokes, extra fries, and a extra large shake.”

Person 1: “Ok Cade”
by KellyOubresSon November 22, 2020
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Cade is a poppy head with a plastic chain that he thinks it cool and is a fboy
by Lil Goat 102 March 6, 2020
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Code for an algo trading bot typically for crypto markets.
My cade is performing really well. I'm up 5% today
by algotrader September 29, 2023
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Cade is a person that thinks they are a lot cooler then they actually are. Cades often have large Egos and personalities, and love talking the big talk but can’t walk the big walk. Unlike Kades, Cades rarely find themselves talking to females and seem to prefer the male gender themselves
Man fuck that Cade kid, he’s so annoying and has no friends
by Blacklivesmatterint June 9, 2020
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