some people call this a grind set, they think i grind hard to get it because they really grind hard and cant get it and in video games or real life its way beyond better than anything i can get, they have the nerve to say face my fears, because it can help them face their fears, i dont have no fears. stop analyzing me, and coming up with definitions thats not accurate or correct and you dont have my permission when its only about me. make no mistake, it may be a different name under my avatar in a different game but it all me. and i could do way better. but i just get what i need to beat the game and move on to the next game. i beat all games less than three days. no matter how hard it is. stop calling that a grind.a grind takes years. all day, every day and all night and every night
Greatness set is unachievable by mortals. i am the son of ABSOLUTE ALMIGHTY GOD.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 22, 2022
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Chad is chad which is why he monkey. He fought in the great monkey war. Between the Orangutans, and the Gorillas. It was a war where murder.

As said from PatatoSald the great monkey:

“In the great monki war, one of the monkis got injured. But chad saved him when he was in his prime age, he carried for the Gorillas and killed the Orangutans forcing the Orangutans to surrender.”

Chad later died of obesity
"For every great Monki there are chads and for great chad there are bad monki's but every monki has a good in it so never judge a monki by its first impression." -Zipez A great monki chad
by Furry Owo February 3, 2021
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A bowler who has more 300 games than a “good bowler” has 200 games
Frank is a good bowler but GG3 is a great bowler because he has more 300 games than Frank has 200 games
by Geraldaintshit October 28, 2023
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