A midget That likes to watch midget porn
Damn Look at it its watching midget porn!
Tonya look at tat short midget its watching porn!
by JimmyJhonny556 February 28, 2022
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A financial term for when you think you're smart, and then you get f'ed.
"I think this stonk is going to stop stonking. I'm shorting it. Inverse me, and see what happens" -- some guy on stockwits

"LOL" -- narrator
by Steven Van Meter August 11, 2023
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When a girl sits on the ground in the shorts so you can see her thighs and buttcheeks. If they sit the other way you their vagina
"Shit man, did you see Jenny!! I totally short caught her!!
by The romancer March 11, 2014
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A kid that is addicted/too into YouTube shorts, and tends to say the newest (or reuploaded) memes out loud.
Person: “Hey, what’s up?”

Shorts Kid: *looking at phone* OMG HAHA SPINNING CHIP MEME *T-poses* 1 2 BUCKLE MY SHOEEEE 3 4 BUCKLE SOME MORE-

Person: Ugh, he is such a YouTube shorts kid.
by Alexander_7777 June 14, 2023
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Someone who complains about being bored but also has dozens of things to watch from friends recommendations alone.
Friend: There’s nothing to do, I’m so bored.
Me: You could watch RWBY. Or Transformers Prime. Or The Clone Wars. Need I go on, you short doge?
by TonyStank15243 November 23, 2021
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