Like the devil's doorbell, but for your dick instead.
Giles: Why are you so happy today, John?

Steven: Last night, Kyle let me wrap the Devil's Knocker.

Giles: Nice!


Sherry: You look tired today!

Alex: I know, I was up all night ringing the Devil's Knocker.

Sherry: Nice!
by LastNightsPizza October 31, 2019
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B707 Xanax, or typically known as smurfs or bars. They have been known to be the lest pressed Xanax pill, and you will typically see a lot of people who have them (such as criminals, mob gangsters etc.) will post and brag about them hence their rarity.
Typical Advertisement
😈 Devils Candy in stock
Devils Candy on deck

Typical Sentence

Hey bro bro, you know anyone with them smurfs?

- Nah g, I've been trying that Devils Candy ASAP!

Whats good my slime, You still got that Devils Candy on deck?

- Of course, I'll pass you a deal this time.
by freeJAMESY April 1, 2021
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Practically, any substance that gives a pleasure, but is also deadly and dangerous. Therefore, it's labeled as such, trapped in dogmas, and/or under any kind of doctrine. Illegal, unsafe, unhealthy, deadly, risky, etc.
Person A: Have you ever tried some Devil's Candy?
Person B: No, what's that?
Person A: I've got some Heroin, an Afghan Brown, at a cheap price. Trust me, it's the best piece of candy you'd ever try!
Person B: OH!.. HOW MUCH?
by moozymathers January 15, 2019
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Also called Single dad, Single daddy, Single Dada, Single Father
This a man Bringing up a child by himself
by 459395 March 5, 2022
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a synonym phrase for, and a less rude version of, 'how the fuck'
father: son go do your homework and improve your grades.

son (scowling): how the devil's name did you know my grades were so poor?

father: I had the common sense to clean out the ashes from the fireplace. And guess what I found ? Bits and pieces of your report card. Put two and two together and the result is, that you tried burning your report card; didn't want your mom and myself to see it, I'd imagine?
by Sexydimma April 30, 2013
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1. Soft mouthfeel with aromas of passion fruit, pineapple and fresh citrus.

2. Last minute name birth of a miscommunication baby who's womb companion will be incubated for a future release.

Origins - Devil's Edge comes from a much more interesting and playful concept that only Karen's would file complaints over. Karen's who don't drink beer"
Hans - "Jay, do you know what name we are going to use for the collaboration release this Thursday? Bernard just called and is bringing over a blow up mattress, lotion, and bondage toys for the video shoot. Why?"

Jay - "Yes, it's...

Hans - "There's no way we can use this name. Our customers will shit a brick"

Jay - "But the release is only two days away!"

Hans - "Damn, struck by the Devil's Edge again!"
by Devil In The Flesh January 28, 2021
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Think about the Devil and the Devil appears.
After a gap, the DEVIL IS BACK
by 👿👿 November 24, 2021
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