Dog fucker, condescending liar, loves making false accusations (partnered with his "breeder" girlfriend), worthless piece of shit, useless waste of life. Glory-seeking fire-fighting wacker that thinks he is worth something. Settles for being a useless lazy person that pays nothing to support his children, with a minimal job & no aspiration for growth; piece of shit by definition.
Village Idiot of Northern Lancaster County
by June 17, 2023
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person 1: wanna have an idiot sandwich
person 2: of course we need a third
person 3: me
by savspussyeater April 12, 2022
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Anyone who comes across Gordon Ramsey’s new nickname; a term to refer to someone who has done something foolish within the chef’s vision.
Person 1: *bakes cake with a little too much sugar* Awww shoot!

Gordon Ramsey: IDIOT SANDWICH!!!!!!!
by wee_eejit May 30, 2022
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When you see an ex, immediately turn around and run away.
I waited in line to get into the club for an hour just we could walk in and then get dragged out because Kristen did the idiot run.
by Teenysweeny February 3, 2018
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Any stretch of road where the majority drive below the speed limit, or if a two lane road they drive at the speed limit side by side. Thus keeping you from passing their idiot asses.
Rt. 31 should be renamed Idiot Boulevard.
by BMWaxman June 29, 2011
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