A cutting edge band, beloved in Palm Beach Society, often performing for the viscount and protoss of plutarch.
Billy Harmonica and his Merry Band wowed Natasha and Tabasco, while General Kazoo frowned.
by chaseoff May 22, 2014
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A specific room located in a public highschool, most likely a small office inside a band or music class complex. The purpose of a band room is similar to that of any other smokespot. Marijuana is commonly consumed in band rooms, usually in the form of vapor by use of a dab pen. Juuling is also commonplace in such an establishment.
"Band room sesh in lunch?"
"Fuck this class, let's skip to band room"
by 8119 April 17, 2018
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A fun activity (except for the month of August and Wednesday nights or whenever you have rehearsals after the school day) during high school where you will have a lot of fun memories. Except when the band director and/or the field commanders yell at you.
1. A large group of people that are all family.

2. Just because the football players aren't playing football during half-time doesn't mean they aren't playing anything during half-time some football players are also part of the marching band!

3. What happens on the band bus ALWAYS stays on the band bus.

4. Freshman year is the WORST year of marching band.

5. The band director will NEVER call you by your real name if you are an underclassmen

6. When the band director says one more time it means: we're staying here until it is perfect.

7. This one time, at band camp....

8. Your arms get tired of holding up that instrument.

9.Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hat: always will be annoying.

10. Field commanders will always have the best looking uniform!

11. Have a good memory you will be memorizing a lot of music.

12. The field commanders are horrified when they get on the podium for the first time. It's a little scary up there.

13. Last one. Have fun during band it's a really fun experience!

Find dot 55 of the contest show

Field commander: the whole line of alto saxes isn't straight

Band director: oh god... Everyone go back to the previous dot. Hit, hit and previous

We have trumpets out to lunch

Band director: trumpets.... Get your music out of your leadpipe AND USE IT!!!!!!!

by Anthony the Italian October 16, 2019
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A fun activity (except for the month of August and Wednesday nights) during high school where you will have a lot of fun memories. Except when the band director and/or the field commanders yell at you.
1. A large group of people that are all family.

2. Just because the football players aren't playing football during half-time doesn't mean they aren't playing anything during half-time some football players are also part of the marching band!

3. What happens on the band bus ALWAYS stays on the band bus.

4. Freshman year is the WORST year of marching band.

5. The band director will NEVER call you by your real name if you are an underclassmen

6. When the band director says one more time it means: we're staying here until it is perfect.

7. This one time, at band camp....

8. Your arms get tired of holding up that instrument.

9.Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hat: always will be annoying.

10. Field commanders will always have the best looking uniform!

11. Have a good memory you will be memorizing a lot of music.

12. Last one. Have fun during band it's a really fun experience!

Find dot 55 of the contest show

Field commander: the whole line of alto saxes isn't straight

Band director: oh god... Everyone go back to the previous dot. Hit, hit and previous

We have trumpets out to lunch

Band director: trumpets.... Get your music out of your leadpipe AND USE IT!!!!!!!

by Anthony the Italian October 15, 2019
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A fun activity (except for the month of August and Wednesday nights) during high school where you will have a lot of fun memories. Except when the band director and/or the field commanders yell at you.
1. A large group of people that are all family.

2. Just because the football players aren't playing football during half-time doesn't mean they aren't playing anything during half-time some football players are also part of the marching band!

3. What happens on the band bus ALWAYS stays on the band bus.

4. Freshman year is the WORST year of marching band.

5. The band director will NEVER call you by your real name if you are an underclassmen

6. When the band director says one more time it means: we're staying here until it is perfect.

7. This one time, at band camp....

8. Your arms get tired of holding up that instrument.

9.Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hat: always will be annoying.

10. Field commanders will always have the best looking uniform!

11. Have a good memory you will be memorizing a lot of music.

12. Last one. Have fun during band it's a really fun experience!

Find dot 55 of the contest show

Field commander: the whole line of alto saxes isn't straight

Band director: oh god... Everyone go back to the previous dot. Hit, hit and previous

We have trumpets out to lunch

Band director: trumpets.... Get your music out of your leadpipe AND USE IT!!!!!!!

BAND TEN HUT!!! ONE!!!!!!!!!
by Anthony the Italian October 15, 2019
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A marching band is the group of kids that are a little late on trends. You often see them either hanging out in the various band areas or making weird noises down the hall. These kids can best be described as, every middle school boy.
by Sincerely, a band kid September 13, 2022
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Marching Band is a place for the nerdiest and craziest people, who think it’s fun to work their butts off in the heat of late July at Band Camp. While some of them are actually athletic and do other things outside of band, most do not have much of a life outside of it and only have friends that are also in band with them. Most Marching Band members will argue that it’s a sport, which it totally should count as a sport since the members go through as much physical pain and suffering during practices as the football team. The members have to be smart also, since you can’t play an instrument or do choreography with a flag while stepping to the beat and remembering all your sets without being at least somewhat smart. (Although most band members will argue that they are dumb, don’t believe them. Some of the smartest people in the school reside in the Marching Band.) The Marching Band is extremely under appreciated and under represented, even though they are so much better then then the football team and cheerleaders put together.
Cheerleader: Marching Band isn’t a sport.
Band member: Really? Because one of our members has a IQ twice as large as your entire squad’s. Not only that but we have to get on the field and practice for triple the amount of time that you guys have to in the heat of the summer while remembering all our sets in the field, how to play the music, and for the color guard, all the choreography. Stop dissing the Marching Band and get a life and some talent.
by JIF713 July 2, 2022
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