a form of labour aimed at young lazy people whom wish never to work, get a flashy job title and speak alot of smack about air conditioners. Also trained to beleive that they are supirior when in fact they are driven to slavery by their tradesman to make way for the one whom upon arival the Air Condition Mechanics beleive will bend the space time continum with his ability to bludge so much.
Bob - i heard you got a job
Ali - ye i repair and maintair air conditioners, i'm an air conditioner mechanic
Bob - thats not a job, your just a theif
Ali - stop it
Bob - Hey man shouldnt we get to work?
Jim - na man we'll do it like Air Conditioner Mechanics
Bob - Thats just low
by lenny xox king August 29, 2008
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“my shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time”

“im so sorry, please buy more (buy more means gain the will to live)”
by glyz December 11, 2022
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A relaxed state of awareness wherein an attack would be completely unexpected, such as being asleep, or being IN one’s phone.
I was in Condition White, Facebooking, when that car hit me.
by Cmdr Fat Coyote October 23, 2017
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An Air Conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a home appliance designed to dehumidify, extract heat from an area and make us feel like we're in paradise or heaven, except it comes from Norway
-So where you going this summer? You wanna come with us to Hawaii?

-Sorry, i already have plans to chill with my Norwegian Air Conditioner from Norway.
by brobk avlie August 4, 2021
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A Covid-denier's first response to hearing that a person has died from Covid-19. Because they absolutely know that the disease is nothing more than a politicized hoax.
"My friend died from Covid."
"She must have had underlying condition."
by Monkey's Dad September 7, 2020
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A pre-existing medical issue that can increase a person's vulnerability to contracting coronavirus and/or dying from it.

Anything which renders someone less than optimally healthy, compromising their immunity.

Being human.
Just being alive felt like an underlying condition. Her asthma was an additional factor, she supposed, but each day she was getting news of yet another person coming down with corona. They were old, middle-aged, young, healthy or not.
by Monkey's Dad March 29, 2020
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