A turkey vulture-sized mosquito which lives on the open tundra of the Canadian North. Arctic Ice Mosquitoes are dayturnal, spending the lazy Arctic days walking around on their six legs, feeding on the Arctic Ice Potato, which grows on trees everywhere on the Arctic Tundra. Arctic Ice Mosquitoes are quite friendly, and you can strike up a conversation easily as they are Canadian and love to talk about the weather.
Dude check out that herd of Arctic Ice Mosquitoes! They're my favorite animal.
by ChefsSurprise July 6, 2011
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Sufferers of Arctic Wolf Syndrom find themselves waking up in a strange bed, but not alone. Someone else is with them and is on top of their arm. The afflicted would rather chew off their own arm than move it, and risk waking up the other person.
Watch out bro, you don't want to leave with them, I know it's been a while but I wouldn't want you to wake up with Arctic Wolf Syndrome
by timsworld December 6, 2020
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when a girl covers your dick in chocolate sauce, green sprinkles, and some Whipped Cream. so it looks like a pine tree with snow on it. she then licks it off.
for my b-day my gf gave me an Arctic Pine Tree, it was cold but it felt good when she licked it off.
by Adassica December 19, 2009
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Cockslapping someone in the face after dunking an erect penis into ice water.
Her come-and-get-me eyes were asking for the "Arctic Chain Whip."
by Killkeppy July 29, 2008
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You wake up in the morning in a strangers bed. A stranger you met the night before when your judgement was compromised. The stranger is sleeping on your arm. You would rather chew your own arm off than move it and chance waking them up. You have Artcic Wolf Syndrome.
Wing-man to Player: "Whatch-out there, you don't want to wake up with Arctic wolf syndrome."
by timsworld December 10, 2020
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The act of a male or female defecating, then putting the feces in a freezer, then once the feces has frozen solid, it is then re-inserted into the anus for pleasure.
so there i was just watching them then Boom, bitch did an Arctic Chill on herself
by Izzy Boyd February 1, 2008
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Moronic Alaskan who gets the blame for losing the election for John McCain.
Sarah Palin is a Retarded Arctic Ice Goat.
by P.Kynes October 23, 2008
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