its history had moved all, then he discovers that it was false..
.. bronze medal but you/he/she has not shot a hit, yet a true hero and she, her is hero from the moment in which to definite to decline the admiration that the Americans had for her in exchange for the truth.. she is a true hero
by Altea February 22, 2004
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The greatest Stan in the world. There are few fuck off fans who are crazy but most normal stans are badass! Becky is the greatest women's pro wrestler and deserves the best stans
That's a cool stan

Must be a Becky lynch Stan 😂
by BeckyStan4Lyfe May 21, 2021
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The girl who is loved by Joseph with his whole heart.
by jsphxiv December 2, 2022
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It is an Irish last name sometimes confused with lunch.
Oh look there is Andy Lynch.
by Lynch-man April 22, 2020
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R: Dude, did you hear what the US Attorney General said today during her trial?!
N: No bro, what?!
R: She lied, man!!!
N: Damn dude, what a Lynch.
by mymynoduesp July 13, 2016
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LYNCH. When you lynch a shit back into your ass through lynching.(Subtle Movement)
“Hey Gale, I lynched a shit in my ass this morning and I don’t think I can make it in”

“Hey David remember that time we lynched our shit together
by Lynch, July 15, 2023
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