function dictio(win){

return "console." + win.ie8 + "!"}
var ie8="log(internetExplore)";
var rosesAndLollipops=ie8;
by AJ2023 October 22, 2023
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A derogatory term for console ports often used by console fanboys and occasionally PC elitists. As the 'scraps' part of the word implies, these are often ports of extremely old console games, (occasionally) when there's a new entry in either the same series or by the same developer that's (at the time of release) only for consoles. Effectively, consoles are getting the main course while PC gets sloppy seconds. This practice has fallen off in recent years, but it still happens from time to time, most often from Japanese publishers. A similar concept exists for consoles, in the form of 'HD Remasters', but those are generally old games for new platforms, while PC has been around since the game's initial release and should have gotten the game sooner.
-Hey, did you hear that Catherine got ported to PC?
-Yeah, after like what, 8 years? It's just console scraps, why are people making a big deal out of it?
-But this makes it the best version, it can run above 720p and 30FPS!
-So? Even Quake could do it.
by Kippu-Kun March 13, 2019
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synonym for POTUS made by Dubya
The Consoler-in-Chief visited the kids at the military zone.
by Coop Dupe May 31, 2018
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A Console racist is a person who thinks a that one specific gaming system is the best.
Hey that guy John is a total Console racist, he thinks Wii u is better than Xbox one and PS4. LOL what a n00b.
by Natbuscus911 June 16, 2014
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The feeling you get when a new console comes out, but It's sold out everywhere and you can't get it.
Friend: Dude what's up you look sad.
Me: Yeah I've been having some console crush.
Friend: Why?
Me: The PS5 is sold out literally everywhere, and EBGames said they're restocking in March next year... Man I really hate being Canadian right now...
by nice rigger November 18, 2020
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The type of person that makes fun of another console or insults people that play/use it for no apparent reason other than to make themself feel good.
Anon is such a console nazi, the other day he was calling me a loser for playing Minecraft on my ps4 instead of a PC!!!
by Lazy69420 October 2, 2019
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