Position called in League of Legends at champion select to troll noobs who think you will actually be guarding baron the whole game.
Fag1: mid
Fag2: top
You: baron guard.
Fag1: omg wtf r u new?
Fag2: some1 doge!!11!
You: did one of u want baron guard?
by rabifant August 25, 2014
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When a baron rusty trombones a man so hard it comes out their mouth
by creeping-fly349 May 3, 2021
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Baronity Has several meanings. Starting, with the most common one. Baronity can mean several, Or different things. Baronity, can also mean, A murder scene. Baronity, can also mean somebody is having trouble with something. Baronity, can also mean doing different chores, like cleaning up, Or making music.
by Izzlock August 21, 2021
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Occurs when a bitch ass motherfucker notifies the whole hockey team that you stepped foot in their house. You will know that you have been "baroned" when a different motherfucker texts you the next day. You probably did nothing.
"Barone said..."
by Jazzie Robinson November 19, 2017
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Next level talented. One of the nicest, funniest people you will ever meet.
don't let his smashed grave yard teeth fool you because past that nestle crunch texture is a kind, whole heartily beautiful soul.

Has a footling pork sausage or lads lads lads he has his meaty beef curtains.
omg is that Baron Kane Dyer!
by Sven Abernathy May 26, 2019
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When you fuck a girl in her bloody pussy then slap your bloody dick on one ass cheek, slip it in her ass, then slap your shitty dick on her other cheek. Then cum in her ear.
Sarah was mad at me last night cuz I ruined another set of sheets when I gave her the Dirty Red Baron.
by Clint Licker November 17, 2021
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2 and 7 unsuited in poker.
That hand is worthy of The Baron himself!

Quite The Baron's Hand there.
by The Poker Baron October 14, 2011
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