A huge horn dog who is only good to be a friend with beneifits. He lies and ruins make out sessions by getting all emotional
Brea: So yesterday I was makin out with Aaron until he called me beautiful

Taylire: Oh did that kill the buzz?

Brea: Yea...
by ThatPlusSizedGurl July 27, 2012
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Aaron is the greatest person ever he is a great boy friend and is a great listener and any girl will be lucky to have him so if you know one then don't let him go
Do you like Aarons?
by Vneck. April 9, 2019
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Aaron is the name of someone who is sweet kind hearted and good at sex.
"God, I could hear Emilie moaning so loud last night."

"Oh yeah, that's cos Aaron is really good at sex"
by BhadBoiii November 2, 2019
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Aaron is the worlds sexiest man. Every girl wants to be his girlfriend. He has a lot of expensive cars and live in a big house by the sea.
Girl1. - wow! That guy over there is the sexiest man I ever have seen.
Girl2. - yes, that's Aaron. You can't say anything bad about him!
by Rfedwsqa December 12, 2016
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Aaron is a very sweet and loyal guy he is also a griffin god who shoots lazers from his eyes and penis. He also is a very sexy guy who cares for one girl more then anything and will do anything for her
Wow! Did you see that in the sky

Yeah that's Aaron
by X.Stay.Sad.X May 18, 2018
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Aaron is a brat, he rejects people, even giving him gifts, omg, dont like aaron, but, some people named aaron are good, but some are bad
Aaron is a brat
by VscoSkrrSkrr December 5, 2019
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The most finest nigga ever he is so fine plz let him fuck u plzzzz like he deserves it he is the finest nigga alive I swear plzzzzzzz🥰🥰🥰.(“I wish I could fuck Aaron ).
He Aaron is so fineee!
by Cheese gmdudee February 4, 2021
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