A word I heard on a show

Where you chill, and relax
by Artistic nerd October 20, 2022
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When one is very upset but tries to play it cool.
Her boyfriend cheated; she's fake chill.
by Zionintu October 14, 2015
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When Ur so chilled you make bad choice,s
Yesterday I had such a bad chilling moment we got so high me and my friend ended up fucking for 2 hours
by 69@⁴²⁰ August 26, 2022
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Youtube and Chil.l When she (or he) wants to Netflix and Chill but you are broke af so you say Netflix and Youtube.
He had no money for Netflix so he did YouTube and Chill.
by Olafmonkeyturtle2002 December 31, 2016
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When you don't have time to watch an entire movie / show and its gotta be a quickie...
"Hey Babe want to Netflix and chill...can't i got to leave for work in 20 minutes...let's youtube and chill then"
by peety69 July 16, 2016
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The land of the Chill refers to both the chilly climate we have in Canada and the generally laid-back and non-warlike attitudes of its' peoples.
In reference to almost any hockey game against another country, ¨We kicked your asses from the Land of the Chill¨
When responding to any english-speaking inquiry as to where one is from ¨The Land of the Chill¨is an acceptable answer for a Canadian abroad.
by li_the_cheetah November 26, 2009
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