A particular peice of clothing that is either very nice, or expensive.
by Your local church March 27, 2020
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It was a piece of cake is the response of "you really aced that one" as they are both away to tell each other that they're ace.
"You really aced that one." He said as he looked at the drawing of the dragon.
"It was a piece of cake." she replied
His eye widen then hers. FINALLY.
"YOU TOO?" she hadn't meant to scream it, but Holy Fuck . He nodded, torn between shushing you and screaming as well.
"Wanna get cake sometime or something?"
by AceTisOnTheeCase April 10, 2020
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When you have a homosexual threesome with someone’s father and stepfather simultaneously.
I took your dad and stepdad to Carls Jr and we split a Texas Three Piece in the bathroom.
by TomatoFlameBoy September 24, 2023
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It's not real.

I need you to lower it down.

Please stop sending me dick pics.
by PLAYERLXIV September 3, 2022
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Guy: "Happy Birthday Jazz, good luck on that L piece"


Guy: "Aye coming in clutch with that L piece"
by jazzyfresh March 29, 2017
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