So, I don't know if anyone else does this, but when my band director talks too much, he finishes off by saying, "woof." It's like, "Phew!" but...woof.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah............ and now we're going to play this warm up....... blah blah blah..... woof!
by that band/drama/nerd/crazy kid November 8, 2020
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A woof is someone who is very Hot and visually appealing. They usually stick out in the room and pass as a smash.
"Don't look too obviously but a Woof has just walked in"
by Insane14Feb May 18, 2023
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Used to remark on something that sounds dirty. Similar to 'that's what she said' only not childish and outdated. Usually used with double entendres.
“Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.” Woof.
― L. Frank Baum
by;vsb August 15, 2016
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An expression of agreement and even sarcastic adherence, in response to a statement or quasi command. (Slang | colloquial). Often in text or i-message format, and less so irl/in person.
Defined: a dog-like expression, to agree, in sarcasm, with a statement made in jest or even somewhat patronizingly. Text: "That was a really good parallel parking."

Response: "Woof! I try. But thanks."
by Echo_Bravo_ January 16, 2023
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"Woof" is another word for someone who shouts or barks at them. Typically used when parents have a woof with their disobedient teenagers. Parents a barking mad.
To have a "woof" with someone. He/she had a woof with me.
by Jay John July 14, 2023
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Slang: something you say to express dismay, failure, unattractiveness, surprise or sympathy.

Generally means the same thing as the much later-occurring slang "oof".
A: I just failed my math exam
B: Woof

X: This burger doesn't look anywhere near as good as the ad
Y: Woof! That's an abomination if I've ever seen one.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 28, 2021
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The simple sound a dog makes, often used in children's books or media
The dog goes: woof, woof!
by s0phi4_177 January 17, 2022
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