Boy, that John Cryer is a Troll. Chaim Levine is a troll!
by 49er March 9, 2011
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a fucking cunt of a girl, who is scared of being homosexual and therefor comes out as a homophobe. she looks like a troll and is a total dick head.
that girl is so fucking ugly, she must be a troll!
by shet man July 27, 2009
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Skanky Asian chicks that take advantage of guys with no self esteem but have enough money to pay for their expenses while banging someone else. Trolls will often have a drug and/or alcohol problem and look for victims that have a stocked bar or will supply them with drugs. They tell their victims they love them to get them to do what they want.
That chick has three guys on the hook paying her rent, phone and food but she's doing a guy she met at a bar. What a troll.
by notauser75 June 29, 2011
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FTD! law enforcement mother fuckers that lurk.
they dont care what your situation is,
and they will roll up on you at any time.
Even if your in the park chilling doing absolutely
nothing wrong.

aka. police.
Billy: light that up yo.

Chris: Nah dude, troll is right there.

by rilo holli February 13, 2008
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1.a woman at St.Joes University who resembles Fiona From Shrek.
2. Creates annoying noises in her head, such as lacrosse balls bouncing, and proceeds to follow up on it for 2 and a half hours relentlessly keeping all male occupants above her awake.
by drewzachdevin December 15, 2008
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a mystical creature which exhibits chode-like characteristics, well-known for their thunderous thighs as well as voice
The troll was so thick it rolled off Matt's bed.
by Amby da Wamby January 6, 2004
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dog whistle used by "anarcho" capitalists to identify non-ancaps who have a deep understanding of their ideology and argumentation tricks, whose valid criticisms of the ideology cannot be dismissed with the talking points and gotchas that are effective on the less experienced.
"I hate that troll wilfra, none of my fallacious arguments work on him and he knows more about anarcho-capitalism than I do."
by twoambien June 27, 2016
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