niggas but a strain of it. it's a silly way to say nigga/nigger.
by mInedIaMoNNNds April 4, 2018
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Mom - I love you, my cute niggie.

Son - I love you too, mom!
by sudor October 18, 2021
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A niggie is a black person who doesn't have the the right to say black things like nigga or a black person who acts white.It also means a white person who deserves to say words like nigga due to having a strong black background
by Ayoungniggalookingforafuckinfa December 28, 2018
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The female form of the word "nigga"
Jason :- Yo wassup niggie!
Angela :- Fine...! Hbu nigga?
by ThisIsLahiru September 25, 2018
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gives you all the powers in the world but is best used in basketball.
by niggiepower December 10, 2018
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