Arch Linux (or Arch) is a great Linux distribution intended to be lightweight and simple. The design approach of the development team focuses on simplicity, elegance, code correctness and minimalism.

It is binary-based, unlike source-based distros (see gentoo, which is used by l33t hax0rs who think that compiling everything for a 1% performance gain is worth their time).

It is loved among knowledgeable linux users for features such as the 'pacman' package manager and the AUR (Arch User-Community Repository) which contains PKGBUILD scripts which simplify building packages not in the main repositories from source.
Arch User: What's up, gentoo user? I just finished installing Arch Linux, it took about 20 minutes.

Gentoo User: I'm just recompiling my kernel for an estimated 1% performance increase on this AMD K6. I expect it to be done in about 2 weeks. I can't wait!
by emergearchlinux December 7, 2009
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Most of the definitions on here that criticize microsoft and apple products are by linux fanboys. Linux fanboys are people who think microsoft is evil and steal data, even though their "evidence" is really just a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
Linux fanboys are the most annoying thing in the world ngl
by awesome picture dude August 9, 2021
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Perhaps the most hilarious people I've ever encountered. Known for their hatred of Windoze.
I like Linux, but it's not like I'm a Linux Zealot.
by Blue Ruse August 8, 2006
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One of the greatest linux distros
Used by chads but is pretty easy to use
And to those debian kids saying arch is hard, please try Linux From Scratch
Friend1: I use arch linux btw
Friend2: Noice
by bignoobcoder September 22, 2021
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A Linux distribution meant for ethical hacking. Often used by defenseless people to make threats
"I used Kali Linux to attack my friends WiFi router" "Bro WTF"
by Sergeant-_-Savage October 6, 2020
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A mental illness often suffered by Linux users who insist everyone and everything should use Linux.

Categorized by frequent repetition of tasks the likes of "sudo pacman -Syu" or "neofetch"
Can also be categorized by constant tinkering, or insistence that it was the sufferer who broke the system.
Arch Linux user's terminal history: "yay -Syu\n neofetch\n neofetch\n sl | lolcat\n yay -Syu\n..."
Arch Linux user: "I had a productive day today."
Reasonable person: "Mate, you have Linux OCD, you spend 7 hours checking for package updates and running neofetch and sl..."
by sid_ March 15, 2021
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Anyone who overzelously attacks anyone not using linux. See Windows Nazis and Mac Nazis.
Stop being such a Linux Nazi, you retard.
by OLOL January 31, 2007
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