a way to say goodbye, usually used by people who go to UF. I don't usually hear Seminoles say "see ya later alligator" or "after a while crocodile"
You wont to know why? becuase Seminoles couldn't get into UF so they went there.
LLCOOLJ: see you later Alligator
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The act of crying while participating in sexual intercourse with a friend of your significant other.
As he unbuckled his jeans I couldn't hold back the crocodile tears.
by Paza-Fucking-mistic July 15, 2017
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Bill says, "see you later alligator" to his friend Tim. Tim correctly responds by saying "after while crocodile."
by Language Expert March 6, 2014
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The Antarctic Flying Crocodile is a crocodile with wings who eats ice. It is an endangered animal.
The Antarctic Flying Crocodile is beautiful.
by Geewhiz100 November 23, 2020
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This term was created in a little known, but legendry flat called Monte-Video in Cape Town, South Africa.

It is used to describe the feeling of being really wasted on E. It also describes the feeling of your jaw trying to crawl out your mouth while snapping together vicously like a crocodile.
"Ah man, I was so crocodile jaw-snapper last night, I dont remember a thing."

"You're so wasted you're crocodile jaw-snapper man"
by liquidboy February 15, 2008
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an Ausrailian woman using an crocodile skinned dildo while drunk.
Shut up ho, you Austrailian Crocodile Cocktail, you Dirty Alaskan Pipeline, you!
by Aaron Snook January 31, 2009
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A person with the temper of fire, who's a hoebag bitch and looks like a plastic bag with watercolours.
by _my_tree_is_dying_ May 19, 2021
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