the former members of the backstreet boys.....they shouldn't even be allowed to be classified as pop-punk.they're pop...thats it, it doesnt matter if they have percings and spiky hair...
they're a second rate version of blink-182....blink-182 is horrible.
by susie q August 2, 2004
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a very misunderstood band. everyone seems to be pissed because they "sing about their sucky lives" but the truth is, they don't. they sing songs they want their fans to be able to relate to. sometimes people need things to listen to, to make them happy. if you don't like them then ok, don't listen to them, but leave everyone alone who knows they are obviously a lot better than soo many other people who have tried to get into the music industry, and waste too much time complaining about them. it's seriously pathetic. they are an extremly talented band, and have really made some great music that all their fans appreciate. and for everyone who hates them, they don't make their music for you, they make it for their fans, so fuck off.
simple plan are talented. your just a piece of shit. fuck off. stop wasting your time.
by DavidIsMySlut776 September 25, 2005
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A good band. No one knows what they are talking about! They have 1 song about thier dad, and then some about IMPORTANT things, like telling kids not to drink and drive! You all can freakinbg shut up, cause simple plan is a true band, not one that talks about sex and crap!
The song untitled is about drunk driving, and not to do it. Look it up! Simple Plan lost a friend to drunk driving, so they get it!
by Emily Ann September 23, 2005
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Simple plan is a good band classified as punk-rock, personally I think it's just rock.

Unlike other bands simple plan seem to be alot more laid back and i can't see them throwing people off the stage if they climbed on it. There songs admittadly are aimed towards kids, but there songs are full of meaning and quality music. Alot of people hate them, but then most people don't listen to more than one of there songs before they reach there conclusions.
"I'd do anything, just to hold anything, just to fall asleep with you"
by February 26, 2005
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An extremely gay pop-punk band who bitch about parents, teenage years, and shit. They and Good charlotte continue to give a bad name to better bands, such as Green day, and blink182.
synonyms: Good charlotte, Dashboard confesional.
Person:1: OMG!! Simple plan is SOO hot!!
Person2: Shut the fuck up.
by Rodger Headley October 17, 2004
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A great band from Montreal, Canada. They sing about things they know and don't lead fake lives like other bands. They write their own songs, play their own instruments, and are very nice to their fans. Who really cares if you dont like their songs, but just find something else in your pathetic life to do besides bash bands.
Simple Plan is a great band because they do everything for themselves and are very nice.
by Alex February 27, 2005
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From Montreal Canada Simple Plan is the coolest band ever who write what they wanna write, who sing what they wanna sing, and who do it for their fans.
I have a's quite fact it's a simple plan..
by its a secret March 2, 2005
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