The surname of the 37th president of the United States.

For some reason the top definitions is or was some gay fucking love text about some guy who’s supposedly the nicest guy ever, hey I might be wrong, maybe he is the greatest guy, I should really meet him. Maybe we will become great friends and I’ll go out playing hockey with him.

Some of the other definitions are really huge breasts and sex moves and other random shit. Fuck, am I high?
Jeff: “who’s nixon?”
Ape: “Nixon is the nicest guy ever
Jeff: “you convinced me”
by Cockturtle May 22, 2021
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A usually fat range with big teeth and a craving for cheese
by Blakey black August 23, 2017
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When you leave yiur outt short from the hole.
by Izzy-13 April 22, 2023
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Miranda Nixon is beautiful, nice and will always be there for u when u need it. She will always help u even if she is mad at you, and she is beautiful inside and out. She also has an amazing boyfriend that always cares for her and is always really sweet, and she is so happy she found him. She doesn't feel pretty sometimes but her boyfriend always makes he feel like the prettiest, happiest, luckiest person in the world. She is also a really good dancer, cheerleader, and gymnast. She is really flexible and is a flyer in cheer and works really hard all the time. She is a really good friend to have and will always have your back. She is really fit and healthy and loves carrots. She is the best person to be friends with and her boyfriend is the best person ever to. She loves her boyfriend with all her heart and would never cheat on him. She also has three cats and three dogs
Miranda Nixon is the best person I could have ever meet.
by person December 9, 2017 December 9, 2017
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Very cool guy! 10/10, would recommend signing up for his services! (Please sign up).
Has a very cool mask that he built himself, and is also very cool. (Did I already say that?)
Overall, great doctor. Should not be arrested for human taxidermy.
"Hey, isn't Dr. Nixon the guy that went missing five or ten years ago?"
"No. It's not."
by micr0wav3 December 27, 2022
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When you are getting ready to travel and make one last lap of the house/hotel room to ensure that nothing important is left behind/left powered on.
Couple returns home from travel...

W: I can't believe I left my pajamas in the hotel room.

M: You should have done a Nixon Sweep....
by Boostedgolf July 13, 2016
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To agressively motorboat dirty ass cheecks while stretching her pussy with both your peace sign hands.
"Dude, back in 1969 I performed the 'The Dirty Nixon' on a Sexy Black Panther Women"
by Jezzyreal December 10, 2015
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