The definition for Lateralus

could be used to symbolize

Or define tool's song



History on the word Nemo from google

Nemo is an Oromo word meaning "The Man". Wow, you say... But wait. In Latin, the same word means "Nobody"! In Homer's Odyssey, when Ulysses blinds the Cyclops, the Cyclops asks him: "Who are you?", to which Ulysses replies (in the Latin translation): "Nemo."
Nemo is a Lateralus

a bed

a dog
the list goes on and on

by SoapySardines aka Dorian June 12, 2018
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Guy 1# Hey
Guy 2# Nemo men goggin crenoa.
by Fartnigga93 February 12, 2021
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Slur used for short black teens that talk the most shit with ginormous foreheads
Look at that Nemo over there, boy i’m sure glad i’m not black😅
by October 11, 2021
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nemo, someone who has no idea what they're doing half the time. they'll sit there in their stupid girls school having a crush on their friend or something being dumb making jokes about highlighters. -nemosnotonfire
Ohh look guys it's nemo that dumbass clusterfuck of a person
by Nemoisverymuchonfire March 8, 2020
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The worlds bestes Friend and a Gemini ofc birthday: June 15th best friend:Leo’s
Ralph macchio is such a Nemo I mean his wife is a Leo
by XXXgoatXXX03 June 15, 2021
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Nobody in latim
Nemo: Nobody has the same name as me
by Nobody in latin September 13, 2022
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A Nemo is an individual of African descent who has gone through the rare phase of an emo.
Nemo: Yes mom, I am a Nemo.

Shaquela: What nigga?
by Africannemo May 22, 2019
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