The sentence comes from Red Dead Redemption 1, when the father is dead and when the son is riding a horse.
**Son starts to ride the horse and making it sprint** Work it at nag!!
by Coco1337 July 12, 2018
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An unspoken look of disapproval for a non-action or incomplete task
I had one cigarette in 5 hours even though I’d agreed to quit after 40 years of smoking … My partner saw me enjoying a smoke and gave me such a Visual Nag!
by ATF001 September 23, 2021
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Ben: *Nags*
Chris *Punches*'
Ben *Cries*
Ben: Why tf did u do me like that
Chris: you were nagging like you know annoying the shit outa me
by Lebron games tames a lion February 1, 2021
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To complain about something that you paid or will pay for. A service for example (at a bar, restaurant, hairdresser, Flight etc)

After complaint you got a form of compensation (free drinks, discount etc.) and then you brag about to other people how successful you where. then you Nag 'n brag
«Dude i got this drink for free, because I spotted some lipstick on my glass, I got skillz» «You are totally Nag 'n bragin»
by Mr.Grincat November 17, 2017
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Anything that has been yeeted twice has now been yoted. Once you yeet the yoted it has now become nig-nagged.
It could mean as an insult. The insult could either be calling them gay, queer, faggot, or homo.
Person 1: Yo I nig-nagged that jawn.
Person 2: Damn, that means you yeeted the same thing 3 times
Person 1: I know!
Person 1: Shutup you fucking nig-nag.
Person 2: no make me.
Person 2: *gets slapped*
by Thot_Slayer64 November 3, 2019
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When a man of small moral value leaves a large contribution of piss on your floor. Varying levels of severity are based on how many household objects were covered in the alleged Floor Nag.
Oh man, Lester got super drunk and Floor Nagged all over my vacuum.
by Eagle Flies May 6, 2011
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A sex position where one person sits in the quarter lotus yoga pose (sometimes referred to as criss cross applesauce), and a second person buries his/her face in the first person's lap and performs oral sex.
Christy: Gosh darn it, I wish I could practice meditation AND cum at the same time
Dan: I know the perfect thing. We should try the Nag-Chomper!
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