Leah is an all round sex addict.
Person 1: What should we do today Leah?
Leah: Watch porn!
by leahlover1234 April 13, 2012
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Tall bitch, loves food doesn’t know to spell dumb spells it Dum

Likes short idiots
Ur you friends with Leah
Yes unfortunately
by Grace NUTT October 23, 2020
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Damn idiot that knows nothing of any sort. Is very sexual and hated by many.
Leah is an idiot
by leah is bad August 1, 2020
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If your name is leah than you are the biggest crackhead to ever exist. You forget about homework easily and have to ask friends for help

Best friends with Emily and Olivia
See that girl over there, that’s Leah
by Emilysksk October 30, 2019
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A bitch. She’s a very clingy person who could get really annoying at times. A Leah doesn’t know personal space. This doesn’t go for all the Leahs’ but I would say the most
Dude 1: “My ex doesn’t understand the meaning “breakup
Dude 2: “Wow, sorry dude she’s acting like such a Leah.”
by Mae12345678910 June 29, 2019
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She’s one of them people every gamer wishes to be because she’s epic game player
“Oh leah, yh she is rlly cool at skateboarding
Leah, I know her, she’s the girl who is a pro at every game”
by Deleted_user11111111 June 16, 2020
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Somone who can ruin your day in under a minute. Has tight friends and will come after you with them. Is the one everyone loves and hates. Can make you wish life was over. Always makes you regret waking up in the morning. Has huge charisma and the power of persuasion and uses it in ways that will make you hate them. Steals your best friends and everyone you’ve ever been close to. And makes your life miserable at any means necessary. A complete and utter slut and the leader of the “group”.
Friend:My day has been mad utterly horrible.
Me:How come?
Friend:A bitch named Leah and her friends told me how horrible of a person I am.
Me:That’s not true your a great friend!
Friend:Tell Leah that!
by Tookieman254 October 12, 2018
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