Hailey England is a whore from Adair county Kentucky. She has 4 baby daddies, lives off of the government, doesn’t take care of her kids, pops her suboxons, Neurontin, any other pain pills she can get her hands on, and meth. She will post stuff on Facebook to make herself look good but in reality most people know how she really is. She’s a gold digger and wants nothing but your money and the governments money. You see her you RUN!
Do you know Hailey England?
Yeah, I heard she’s on drugs and doesn’t take care of her kids!
Yeah, that’s the one!
by You already know who, bitch January 24, 2019
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A movement and a clothing BY black the ripper the man who smoke weed in public places because he's got weed like the banks got money.
Yo just got a new dank of England t shirt and sliders
by JBOI July 10, 2017
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Bunch of "loyal" fans, generally regarded as attention-seeking atmosphere-killers employed by the English Football Association to play at England matches. Home and away. Possibly the most infuriating, pointless, mind-numbing collaboration of idiots the world has ever seen. They have an extensive repertoire of four songs, one of which they can't play properly. Their renendition of the "Great Escape" theme has been going on for about eight years now, it has never once been appropriate. No one likes them anymore, their kitsch, camp appeal died after the first three matches. They have ruined the incredible support England once had, as you can't sing along to any of their tunes, even if you wanted to. They killed the singing of "Three Lions", one of the great footballing anthems, and for that alone they should be arrested. Sitting next to them in a match is akin to chinese water torture.

Did you enjoy England's win 7-0 over Germany in the World Cup final?

No, that pissing England Band spoiled it again.
by Kielan Thompson May 21, 2006
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People born and raised in New England

Straight forward, no bullshit, working class, often have distinct accents.

Don't feel the need to be all hug-y and flaky like Californians when they meet people. Will give you a hard time, but only if they like you.

Often found in Diners and eateries named after the same person who's going to serve you wieners and coffee milk when you walk in the door. (ie- Sally's, Barbara's...)

Considered rude by the rest of the country, but only because they're pansies and can't handle honesty.
Person 1- Yeah I just moved to Rhode Island, and my neighbor hasn't said hi or waved or anything yet... but the other day when we got snowed in he came over and shoveled me out!

Person 2- What a true New Englandah.

Person 1- I'm visiting here and I don't think any of the natives like me!!

Person 2- We're New Englanders, dear. Stop being so sensitive.
by rubyluby July 11, 2008
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A person who partakes in very few football activities. They do not go to football on saturdays, but own an England shirt and support a football team they have very few links with. They also regularly watch Soccer Am and play golf.
guy 1: I see you've got Tottenham on Wednesday night, why don't you go up with Danny, he supports Tottenham doesn't he?
guy 2: Nah he's just an England fan.
by vibeAdvice December 2, 2006
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The only region of the United States that actually has four seasons. We New Englanders are ready for anything!
If you don't live in New England, you don't really know what summer, autumn, winter, and spring really are.
by Autumn Leaves October 13, 2007
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