Cesar is a name given to males who smell like horse shit, they are fucking ugly disgusting holy shit, fugly. Whenever someone sees a Cesar they get scared of what type of ugly beast they encountered with. Fuck Cesars
Person 1: Hey last weekend i was at the mall and i saw a Cesar, I immediately ran and called emergency services.

Person 2: No fucking way you saw a Cesar, we are going to have to pray now.
by HeyHey2343 November 17, 2022
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an ignorant slut who lies about everything. He is selfish and thinks he is the shit when in reality he ain't shit. He thinks very highly of himself yet is very slow and dumb.
he's a good friend though.
Cesar is just.... he's cesar.
by abadmofo April 5, 2020
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Cesar is a top dawg. He is bold af yet if you really get to know him, like REALLY well, he is the most amazing person in this world. He has dark brown hair that could be mistaken for black and beautiful brown eyes that shine even in the dark. There are about 5 other people named Cesar in his family. He likes the color purple yet he only wears black.

If you mess with a Cesar he will willingly knock you out or simply ignore and forget about you for the rest of his life.

He might sound tough, look fit, and SUPER hot but he's a really loving guy and the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
"yo is Cesar really your boyfriend? that's crazy man i didn't know he was like that"
"Fr tho, i didn't think so either but turns out hes far more than just a top g"
by Nadi <3 September 19, 2022
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A person who doesn’t interact with the opposite sex and is antisocial. Highlights of his day but not limited includes looking at off-road tires online not talking to girls and avoiding them at all cost and eating at sushi buffet alone.
“Wow! Look at that girl over there why don’t you go try and talk to her, you better not be a CESAR.”
by Dr. Leafar March 24, 2023
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The most amazing baby am in the entire world. He is so sweet and caring and will treat you like a princess. He is so handsome and he am a gentleman. He wants to hold your purse for you and your jacket. He is always warm and cuddly. Physical touch is one of his strongest love languages because he loves hugs and kisses and to hold hands. He has the most beautiful brown eyes that you can just stare into and he has the cutest smile. He has a resting b face at times but that’s usually when he’s tired. He loves to go places to eat and explore new places. His favorite food at Egg Harbor is the Lobster Scrambler. Cesar is the best boyfriend ever. I can’t wait to marry him someday and be able to spend more time together.
Girl: I met a guy named Cesar but he just isn’t a good person

Me: That’s because there’s only one Cesar that fully describes this description.
by Babyam July 16, 2023
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The God of cod, he is also known for being short and having really good game with women.
Girl 1: I wish I met a Cesar
by Anonymous72733 March 27, 2021
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Cesar is a fine ass 🥷 he gets every girl he wants him, he has a shit ton of money he is loyal he don’t play every girl that has been whit him. Regrets leaving because he is the most handsome and kind mf he gives blow jobs like no one else he has a 9inch dick he makes girl cry he leaves them whit out being able to walk HE IS HIM
by Heishim August 3, 2023
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