A person who obsessively drinks Starbucks, talks about their rich person problems, and loves to spend all their money uselessly
That Carmel person just brought their Starbucks frappachino to school.
by thecarmelperson January 20, 2014
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When a dude pulls his dick out of a girls ass then flips her on her back to blow his load on her stomach mixing cum and shit together to make a carmel colored wastecoat
Billy: wheres your wife?
Seamus: washing off her carmel wastecoat.
by Gooeytomato March 25, 2021
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Where you have such bad explosive diarrhea that it explodes in the males nuts and the girl then proceeds to like of the shit until the balls are clean
After that burrito last night my girl gave me a French Carmel apple
by Delete_this_now November 19, 2019
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A sometimes annoying girl that can be the equivalent to a idiot female dog hence stupid bitch. a Carmel is proud to be a stupid bitch and embraces the fact she isn’t any normal bitch she is a stupid one. The stupid bitch is unique and has normally has the first name or nickname of Carmel.

Antonym - A nice decent and very normal person.
e.g. an Avi
Carmel the stupid bitch said she wanted a mug saying she is a stupid bitch
by Avz1up February 10, 2018
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Someone who will never get a return text from a female
Did you get a text back from that chick at the bar?
Nah I’m a real Sam Carmel
by roguerebel24 October 6, 2019
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when one monkey gives a carmel appe they are well...
by penis.head13 October 23, 2017
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A girl with big ass swag and a phat ass
Person 1 : damn bro look at that girl

Person 2: Thats Carmel-Morgan!
Bobblybitko : she’s so swaggy and sexi <3
by Volvkez June 2, 2022
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