Verb; refers to a person/place/situation that is a chill, comfortable, soothing vibe. Derived from the song "Canon in D Major"
Person 1: "What are you up to tonight?"
Person 2: "I'm going to yoga. That sounds very canon rn."
by Willenium November 19, 2019
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A word use for fans of certain fandom to refer of how closed the relationship of two character are.
Oh I love Naruto x Hinata, They are canon!
by Book_eater_geek March 13, 2017
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Canonical Lori is just the best if they have it in their Instagram name and act like a mum to you you gotta love it also she’s just awesome
“Hey Canonical Lori your awesome
I know
by maddyjpg May 21, 2021
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When a person sticks a small clown, living or not, in their genitalia as a form of sexual pleasure.
"hey did you hear what he did last night? he totally did a clown canon"
"wait seriously? i was wondering where my clown doll went!"
"dude you should burn that thing, he never cleans down there"
by maggafun November 4, 2022
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Basically when something Fanon like a theory, character, idea, etc gets introduced to a fandom that people think that the Fannon character, theory, idea, etc is canon. Hence the name CANON FANON EFFECT. A "canon" theory, character, etc.

There are two variations to look at this effect. Oblivious or Disregard

Disregard: When people are aware that this character, theory, idea, etc isn't canon. But treat said character, show, theory, idea, etc as if it was canon.

Example: The Creepypasta Fandom often draws Slender man with the operator symbol in the background or most times anything really related to Slender man and sometimes even referrers to it as the operator. Even though the fandom knows that the operator and Slender man aren't the same entity.

Oblivious: When someone isn't aware that said idea, theory, character, etc isn't canon.

Example: The Creepypasta fandom thinks that Eyeless Jack has an origin in which he was used in a sacrifice to become a monster. Even though he never had an origin, to begin with.
Guy1: Hey man your drawing sans eye wrong. It supposed to be glowing with a flame.

Female1: Actually sans never had shown to have a glowing or flaming eye, just one that switches colors really fast.

Guy1: Wait, really? then why does the fandom draw it whenever he's mad or using gaster blasters?!

Female1: Must be the Canon Fanon Effect.
by Mcfat10 March 29, 2020
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When you nut in her butt and she farts it back out
Omg Addy just shot a jizz canon across the room
by Barry my cockinher June 19, 2022
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Not pedantic about the established canon for fandom. You love the fandom, and are able to enjoy where the new versions take you.
"Weren't they still enemies then? Oh, this is not canon, but that is okay. I am Canon Fluid."
by Ballalucci June 19, 2022
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