A woman who enjoys interfering in other people's lives and telling them what to do, and she does so under the fake pretense that she is defending some vulnerable person or group to make her power-trip seem virtuous.
Karen: "Nobody is allowed to wear a hat, listen to music, or eat peanuts in the office anymore... to stop racism."
by Welsley October 16, 2020
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James: who is that person screaming in the coffee shop?
Lili: it's a Karen, obviously...
by Bedᗺedツ July 18, 2022
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A middle aged white mom with a son named hunter usually a blonde with a bob cut and harasses store workers and complains to the manager.
Karen is sueing the manager again.

Why is Karen yelling at me.
by TrentDaMan431 July 18, 2022
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I totally disagree with the Karen’s generalisation. The Karen i know is the most honest person i know , impulsive , saucy in a good way , no filters , secretive but with the biggest gold heart in the world , even when she have nothing she will give you everything. She’s not a bad person , she’s just picky , she choose who she wants in her life cause she prefer true relations than fake persons. She’s hilarious when you get to know her , sarcastic , and very smart. Pretty woman , with black-hair , tan skin , and black eyes , a real Latina ! I wish her to be happy in her life and to be with someone who will value her and put her in a pedestal cause she deserve this ! I want her to trust herself…
Me annoying her : « Karen do you love me ? »
Karen sarcastic joke : « no i hate you »
by DuaChupa November 24, 2021
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Most people think Karen’s are bad but they are not some Karen’s are beautiful caring optimistic the best friend you could ever ask for.
People judge the name Karen Bc of social media

Karen’s are not all bad just misunderstood
by Karennnnnnn November 14, 2021
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Sorry this page was shut down due to excessive amounts of complaints from a single person.
Throws stupid Karen's shut this page down.
by BadBush May 10, 2021
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A bitchy ass woman that's as fat as a whale she will do anything to piss tf out of you

annoying,bitch,fat best combo ever

from your loving brother -Ryan
Girl1: did you hear what karen did?
Girl2: of course she's a total bitch

Karen in the distance: FUCK OFF
by PalitoGringo December 15, 2018
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