A hit parody of ‘Africa’ by ‘Toto’ made by Rucka Rucka Ali. It makes fun of the fact that aids are in Africa. There’s also some racism in there, which makes it even better.
by ImortalBri3n February 15, 2023
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When playing a first person shooter game, for example Counter Strike, one may assist their team members by continuously throwing grenades at the opponents.
Player 1: "Dude, stop throwing nades and help."

Nade Aider: "Nah man, this here is some quality Nade Aid."
by I'm really a nice person September 10, 2016
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All millennials: Kool-aide was available in almost every poor house with kids when we were little.
by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022
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When you’re in your mothers womb as a baby and the umbilical cord viciously skull fucks your ear and causes premature brain damage and permanent retardation
by daddy tyler 777 January 11, 2022
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When youre brain has lost its natural defense to gay or retarded shit.

youve been too degenerate or watched too much CNN and now your natural common sense mental-immune response to communism and LGBT is impaired to the point you can believe opposing things with sincere conviction
someone who thinks you are too young to get a tattoo but thinks 12 year olds can cut their boobs off might be said to be infected with mental aids.

totally against climate change, no problem with priate jets at climate change conferences

communist stickers on your new apple products
by particularily awesome dude September 28, 2023
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A situation so shitty that no matter the outcome you end up being screwed, like a birthday cake that gives you AIDS, doesn't matter what slice you take, you'll get AIDS regardless.
"This is really brutal. I don't know what I'm going to do here, either way I go I'm fucked"
"Sounds like you've been given an AIDS birthday cake".
by thewarragulman April 7, 2018
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Testicular Aids Is A Disease That Turns Your Nuts Lumpy And Infested By Black Spots
OH Shit Last Night I Caught Testicular Aids When I Pounded Terry's Mum
by TezzieFiddler March 1, 2018
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