A girl following a bastardized trend to rebel from the mainstream. Emo girls are usually 14-17, have little to no self esteem, shop at hot topic, listen to My Chemical Romance, or Green Day, or any other band that is inherently NOT emo in the true sense. They usually claim to be individuals, which is rather ironic because they look EXACTLY like their friends. Being Emo since 2004 is essentially conforming to portray ones self as a non conformist.
Emo chick: "OMG i love that new simple plan song! They look soooo emo now!"
Anyone over the age of 19: Emo died before you hit puberty, for Gods sake.
by ImaCultClassic January 26, 2008
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People who cut because something is wrong or something has happened to them and they don't know how else to handle how they feel. Many of them have been abused, sexually, physically, or mentally. Some do it because they feel numb and want to feel the pain or just feel something. Others do it to punish themselves for something that they've done. The cuts range from little scratches that barely bleed to life threatening cuts or burns. Overall, its a way for someone who doesn't know what to do to express themselves.
I am an emo cutter because I feel neglected, was molested when I was very young, and when I eat (anorexia).

Emo cutters usually need to or should talk to someone about it.
by LonelyinLove13 February 17, 2008
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a person who will seem perfectly normal during most forms of communication (texting, talking, email, etc.) but upon using facebook chat they assume a new persona such that they seem as if they are depressed, suicidal, or otherwise interested is hurting themselves.
boy1)hey have you ever talked to that Jim guy?
boy2)yeah he seems pretty cool, why?
boy1)well he sent me a friend request on facebook last night so i started chatting with...
boy2)so what?
boy1)he got really depressing.
boy2)dude hes a total facebook emo.
by facebookemokid March 3, 2011
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n. The collective term for a group of emos, as pod is to whales or pride is to lions.
Look out honey, a douche of emos nearly stumbled into you.

Hey look at that, a douche of emos.

...It was a amazing, you almost never see a douche of emos roaming around in the wild like that.
by Mirrors July 14, 2009
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A stupid arse hole who says they'll kill themselves if you don't like their snap chat. They are always off school for stupid reasons like I stubbed my toe. Also fake having a bad home life like saying "my mum shouted at me" also if they get called a fake depressing bitch they will cry their eyes out
Why is that fake emo crying this time
by Morgan_freeman_is_god32 September 6, 2021
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The girl in half of my classes who is emo and says she isn't but is also a crystal girl and denies it
Lily? Ohhhh that emo girl. Yeah her names Emo Lily
by BiGFatFortniteDaddy March 30, 2022
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He’s a sad boi but still likes to play and fuck over girls but blames it on their “depression
I’m sorry I cheated on you, I wasnt happy because of my depression and I couldn’t control it.

Her: no you’re just an Emo fuckboi
by LittleMissWorthless March 6, 2018
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