A term used to describe something that is extremely cringe and annoying.
That weird andrew tate guy is Very Aids
by Walter whit December 30, 2022
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When something as bad as aids has elevated to the point that it seems like it's on steroids.
Compared to covid-19, covid-20 is going to be Ster-Aids.
by FakeKetchupb January 13, 2021
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Basically a softer way of asking for money. Panhandling, usually done digitally and by people who aren’t actually impoverished.
“Hey! My rent is due tomorrow, but I don’t get paid until Friday. Would you be willing to contribute a little mutual aid? Drinks on me after I get paid!”
by FegelFatso October 3, 2023
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Aids the documentary is a movie made by kids that i like!
guy 1 "Aids the documentary is cool"
guy 2 "cool"
by 321312312 July 27, 2022
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Aids the documentary is a documentray made by 4 school boys that i found on youtube.
guy 1 "Aids the documentary is cool"
guy 2 "i know right"
by 321312312 July 27, 2022
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