Legendary talk show host Jerry Springer has died, according to a statement from his family shared with multiple outlets. He was 79.
Talk show host Jerry Springer dies at 79: Reporting
by SPrice1980 April 27, 2023
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The rights a party host gets, including not being called a party pooper when they do something to calm it down. They have this right since they were the ones who started it in the first place.
You can’t say that because of my party host rights.
He was violating his party host rights by calling him a party pooper.
by Javatron April 15, 2021
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by accesskey-host June 2, 2019
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when a hosting company claims to offer the best web hosting but has days of down time.
You have been blue hosted when you are told how awesome and amazing their web hosting is only to have your website turned off for days. Similar to blue balls in the sense that you get all turned on only to get shut down.
by blueballercaller April 18, 2014
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When the host of an online console game quits the game early because the game's developers attempted to remove host advantage and unintentionally nerfed the host ability to stay alive unless they camp. Most notably in the Call of Duty franchise.

"Early Host Rage Quit" = when a host quits and the new host selected then quits when they see that they have been chosen as new host, before play resumes.
Host Rage Quit - "I get so frustrated when I'm host on Black Ops 2, because I keep getting killed seemingly from nowhere, until I see the kill cam and the other player is right in front of me. Damn developer induced lag!! This is crap, I quit!!"
by Chuck1326 March 1, 2013
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