you typed the first six letters of every row of the standard QWERTY keyboard
person1: qwerty asdfgh zxcvbn
person2: uhh ok?
by HSO405 November 4, 2021
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what you get after making 10 qwerty deffinitions
person1 i got the copper qwerty crown
person 2 damn step 1 of 3 to being a loser
person 1 you mean step 1 of 4 to being god
person 2 there is a 4th step to loser!?!
by vanillaijeidhei March 16, 2022
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when kids get bored at school and run their finger across the first row of keys and it types out “qwerty” then they add the flirty. they're just dumb kids
qwerty & flirty baby
by ryleighwolfe April 15, 2020
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what you get when you make 25 qwerty definitions
person 1 i got the silver qwerty crown
person 2 step 2 of 4 to being a loser
person 1 starts going for gold
by vanillaijeidhei March 16, 2022
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A colloquial version of "Diarrhea of the word-processor", a quote from author Stephen King. It refers to a party whom types very long paragraphs. Applies best to those whom choose to write 'novels' in sms/text messages.
This fool wrote me a fackin' novel in this text message! He's def gotta case of the QWERTY Squirts!
by Sh3p007 October 29, 2022
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what you get when you make 50 qwerty deffinitions
person 1 i got the gold qwerty crown
person 2 step 3 of 4 to being a loser
person 1 starts going for platinum
by vanillaijeidhei March 16, 2022
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