SMP – social media prayer: Photographing your dinner and sending via text message to your friends and family before touching your food.
A server comes to check on your table, but stops because she sees all your heads bent over for grace… until she notices the glow from your mobile devices and realizes that your actually participating in SMP - social media prayer.
by Bridget Soden April 9, 2008
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The act of putting a victim (preferably a black one) into hypnosis, spinning them 360 degrees and doing a mid-air flip so they land on their back and break their lumbar spinal columns.

After the procedure, they may still be hypnotized. To counteract this situation, put them into a laundry basket ass-first and throw them into the dryer (4.3 cu. ft. White All-in-One Washer and Electric Ventless Dryer from LG Electronics work best).

Subsequently, you will feel remorse for what you did to the poor unsuspecting victim. Go to your local church, mosque, or temple and pray for your sins.
Chad 1: Dude, I just tried the new Hocus-Pocus 360° NiggerFlip Laundry Basket Prayer.
Chad 2: o shit bro, that's mad skeng fam
by JesusLover9000 September 8, 2019
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The act of taking a large dick without anal douching before hand.
Omg he got with a guy with big meat without douching before hand. It was a poke and a prayer.
by daddyrealness June 27, 2020
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When a worship leader does a long, drawn out prayer while accompanied by shcmoozic (see definition of schmoozic).

Especially when the worship leader begins to speak with dramatic voice inflections like a motivational speaker. Sometimes it appears they are high while doing so.
Lol! That Fornian is going full mood prayer.

Would this Fornian quit mood praying and pray like he loves the Lord?

Bruhhhhhh! I’m feeling the VIBES of this mooooood praaaaaayyyer!

Bethel churches always do mood prayers.

(Pray sincerely, avoid mood prayers)
by Hunter HaFrick’nrickian October 17, 2020
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Our creator of japni lord Kahiem Roel The Maximilian Kolbe with request to use infant Jesus of prague miraculous powers to defeat odds of mental compression of mild cognitive impairment from pity schemrs. PRay for the chapter of ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 10 to be evident to my words of theory and I pray folklore magic mythology defeats all evil hands of drumming rhythm let's make Deutoronmy chapter 5 verse 8 the entire chapter be content to my word of Sikh mythology Adolfkahiem Sikhist Sikh jain jinazist organization with AHiMSA Micchami dukkadam with om nama shivaya with the tri-loka of my bodily diaphragm to be in the act of beating the odds of victory with my image of infant Jesus of prague finding my baby picture that shows effect to my theory exposing to disbelief of my true identity of Sikh jain High Rank with ROEHOE Roulette on YouTube playing global radio now. Waheguru ji to Creator of life of the Hebrew with TefiAllah discipline of Kabbalah with less discipline of kadarism with uncountable rewards. I pray for financial compensation to create some to make the sunrise tomorrow with the greeo mythology God Apollo out shining the radiation of voodooism witchcraft evil sorcery evil wizardships evil Obeah man of baphomecy who made manipulation seem false to seeming real.
by ADOLFKAHIEM April 19, 2022
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